Awakened Monogamy (part 2)

Tawnya & Scott Landis
Jun 9, 2020
In my last article titled Awakened Monogamy, I mentioned how we came to an understanding of this as a potentially revolutionary concept. We think it could actually be a movement.
So we would like to ask you to get behind it. If you identify with us and this message, help us spread a word throughout our society…”there’s a better monogamy”. 
It doesn’t have to be your parent’s version of monogamy. It doesn’t have to be what culture is trying to get you to believe (that the grass is greener over “there”). 
However, we DO need to re-think and re-invent our relationships. To be specific, you and your partner need to talk about it. Because we’ve been misled by our culture that monogamy is boring, outdated, and unrealistic. 
But that thought process has led to the destruction of our society. There’s been a lot of things said about politics, shootings, healthcare, viruses, diseases, police brutality, racism, and even anarchy. I believe the real systemic problem in our country is 
    the breakdown of fatherlessness and the family. 
Tawnya and I believe we have a solution that positively impacts all of the above, and that’s Awakened Monogamy. A re-boot of all that’s good about monogamy, and a clearing out of all that’s ineffective and destructive.

If our society can keep couples and families together, thriving, and raising balanced, healthy, respectful, and productive kids, then most of our country’s problems will see a radical shift in the right direction.
Every movement has to start somewhere. So to get to the point, we’ve created something to help. We have created a solution for the couple who wants to keep their connection alive. This is what Marriage Architects is all about. 
It’s not actually about marriage. It’s about human fulfillment and learning the skills, tools, and practices to keep your intimate relationship alive, exciting and fulfilling. So you can thrive!
We have all sorts of programs to make this happen in a relationship: workshops, private coaching, private couples retreat, self-study resources, and some downloadable content. 
All of this is accessible from our website, and available to our Awakened Life Academy members. (Find the details here:  And we are adding more content and value all the time.
Coming very soon, we are re-launching our Relationship-Inspirations program. It’s a virtual coaching program to help you enhance your relationship and now for the first time will include exercises and tools to help you experience more passion, more desire, and Awakened Monogamy in your own relationship.
Stay tuned, we’ll be telling you more about this exciting innovation to help relationships, help families, and ultimately to help our culture in the days to come.

In love and connection,

PS- If you're looking for something to get started right away, we created a 7-Step Intimacy Booster self-study program. Check out the 7-Step Intimacy Booster here:


Drew Hinds
Jun 9, 2020
Agree with so much of what you said. Awakening indicates the rejection of passivity but in favor of what? Assertiveness about the benefits of monogamy and family? I want to hear more about the 7-day start up!
Drew Hinds
Jun 9, 2020
Thoughts: "Fly Away Home" is a movie with a powerful story about Canada Geese (who mate for life...) and the relationship between a caring daughter and her inventive father. Consider taking in the movie and discussing the allegory with your kids as the story conveys a message... -Movie Trailer is here: